Audio Systems: Satellite, DVD, VCR, TV, and Technics AV control stereo receiver connections, vcr tv, satellite feed
QuestionWe are hooking up a friend's stereo components and TV/video
equipment to her Technics AV control stereo receiver (Model SA-
G90). Everything seems to be working O.K., but there is no
surround sound when the TV is selected on the receiver. How does
the TV need to be hooked up? (Video is originating from a satellite
AnswerDear Julia,
You will get surround sound from a TV broadcast only if the broadcast originates in surround sound, and there are very few that do. (The program is generally preceded by a blurb to that effect.)
Let's say you know that. How is your satellite feed connected to the TV now? How is the TV's audio connected to the receiver? If you'll kindly provide me those two pieces of information, I can probably give you a better answer.
Kindest regards,