QuestionHey thanks for the advise but just so I clear, you saying run two crystal subs from the one fosgate amp? If I wanted to add another fosgate amp so they each have their own amp, how would they need to be wired or will this set-up just not work for these types of amps and subs. As for the box, I listen to alt rock and rap but I would like to have that clear,deep bass when I do listen to rap. One last thing, do you prefer the crystal cmp subs over eclipse titanium and is their a amp out there that better for my system than the fosgate I have now?
Followup To
Question -
Hey Mark,
I have an eclipse cd7000 Head, one 15" eclipse titanium powered by eclipse7122 1200w rms, one 15" crystalmobile cmp powered by rockford 1500bd in a 99 dodge durango. I sounds good but not for a $5000 system. I'm thinking maybe my boxes are too small. I had them built to fit behing the third seat to provide room for my amps and also to somewhat hide them but I'm just not getting that chest pounding bass that I should be getting from these competition speakers. Do you suggest bigger boxes and if so would you have the specs on a 15" eclipse titanium. I dropping the crystal and going with another eclipse pro series.
Answer -
well bud, you have a perfect recipe for disaster when you start mixing stuff up like this. You've got 2 different subs designed for 2 different applications so they're goign to play differently, on top of that you're running them with 2 totally different amps.
Your subs need to play in perfect unison or they are going to sound like absolute crap no matter how good they are.
When subs play slightly different they are "out of phase" if you have 2 subs playing 180 degrees out of phase it will be nearly 100 percent silent even if they are stroking away like mad!
The eclips sub looks like a decent sub As does the crystalmoblie sub. One other problem you have is that the crystal sub is a dual 2 ohm sub and the amp you have it hooked to makes it's maxium power at 2 ohms. since you have to use both coils in the 2 ohm sub its going to come out to either 4 or 1 ohms depending on series or parallel wiring. so you are either going to blow the fosgate amp or only get 1/2 your moneys worth.
The eclips amp looks like a pretty poor amp in general compared to your fosgate amp.
If I were you I would get rid of everything eclips (except the cd player) and keep the fosgate amp and the crystal cmp and add another crystal cmp. wire them each as a 4 ohm load and then parallel them together. this will cause the fosgate to put out it's max 1500 rms and since both subs are identical and running off 1 mono channel they will perform in unison like they need too. if you dont like the crystl cmps for any reason get 2 new subs and make sure they are the same and togethere present a 2 ohm load.
If you want to keep the eclips sub, get another one and a new amp that can run a mono 4 or 1 ohm load to its fullest potential. your current eclips amp isnt going to cut it and the fosgate isnt a good application here either.
As for the box that's a prefrence issue. please let me know your musical prefrence and weather its more important to be louder or clearer or a balance in between. this will tell us how to build your box. I'd love to help.
AnswerGlad to help,
getting another one of these fosgate amps will not make any noticable difference on the crystal subs.
If you run 2 amps (1 on each sub) each speaker will have a 4 ohm load so each amp will produce 750 watts for a total of 1500 (750 each times the 2 amps)
If you run the 2 subs to 1 amp the amp will get a 2 ohm load and produce 1500 by itself. so the wattage would be the same or quite close at least. the most you will get is about .5 db more and maybe about 1% less distortion at full volume with 2 amps. not worth the money thats for sure.
As for my recomendation, its the way to get the most bang for your buck. It uses the most equipment to its largest eficiency and requires you to buy the least amount. It also lets you sell the more expensive stuff so you should break even or maybe even get some money back. Depending on your budget you can do better yes, but to be completely honest with you it sounds like you kinda got ripped off here (sorry to say) so I was trying to help you get a good system without spending much more.
The box is a tough one. alternative rock would do well in a sealed box and rap usually does better in ported. Ported boxes give you those sustained bass notes that last a second or more like in "get low" from ying yang twins or "Pimp Juice" from Nelly. if you tune a ported box to 30 hz and play stuff like this it will be very impressive. But ported boxes dont usually have a good "kick in the chest" punch with beets that are fast like techno and stuff like that. Ported boxes are much larger, harder to build, and more expensive (buy flared ports).
Sealed boxes are smaller, easier to build and give you that punch but the deep sustained notes dont ring out quite as well.
Its a personal prefrence. let me know what you think and I'd be happy to help you design a great box. What box building experience do you have?
As for the subs the eclipse sub is definatly better than the crystal. Again when I said to get rid of them it was to save you some money and still have a great system when you were done. but if money's not an option get another eclips sub (THE EXACT SAME ONE!!) and get another of the fosgate amps (THE EXACT SAME ONE!!) . Since the eclipse subs are dual 4 ohm you can run them at 2 ohms and the fosgate will give 1500 to a sub. so you'll get 3000 watts with 2 of these amps on 2 eclips subs. that should be a sick sick system!