Audio Systems: 2000 Avalon CD player that skips, mael, radio cd

Hi Jerry:  I do appreciate your service--thanks for being available to answer my question.  I have a 200 Avalon and recently my CDs have been skipping---just about.  Is it time to get a new system put in?  Any suggestions?  My radio/CD player is factory installed.  Thanks--Colleen

Ahh, 200 Avalon.. (they just do not make em like they used to!)  

Actually.. yes, it is time for a replacement.
I would try a local pro, or a place like Circuit City for the new one. You find fair equipment and very fair prices.
Get what you like, but remember, that it may not last real long, so try to get one that is inexpensive ($90-150.00).

J Mael