Audio Systems: jeep radio, antenna circuits, deluxe units
QuestionI have a 94 Cherokee and my radio works when it wants to. The AM and casset always works but the FM only works sometimes. What can I do to solve this?
AnswerIf the radio is original equipment it is too old to make repairs. However, usually the fm cutting in and out is a function of the antenna circuits; the connections from the antenna mounts to the input jack on the back of the radio must be clean. Also, the cable from antenna to radio may need totally replacing. Sometimes AM will come through fine, but fm will not - on the same cable!
If cleaning up the antenna stuff does not help my advice would be to replace the radio. You can buy them cheaply now days; cheaper than the repair - - many parts on your current model that are no longer available.
You can buy replacement radios for $29 and up; $99 for a good one and $199 for the deluxe units with cd and such.
Hope this helps.