Audio Systems: speakers and cd/sterio, dodge neon sxt, 2003 dodge neon sxt

i just got a 2003 dodge neon SXT  and what to intall a different cd/sterio. do i have to get all new speakers, if my speakers are Infintiy speakers becsue of there induvidual amps bulit in?

No, you can install a new headend unit and keep the speakers that are in the car if you  like them.

Neons have a different size opening than most cars, so you must have a installation kit to make the aftermarket unit fit properly.

I like for their detailed knowledge of car units that will fit, speakers that will fit and installation kits and wiring harneses.  

If you go to:

It will give a listing of various headends, speakers and wiring harnesses that will fit your car.  Of course, you don't need to purchase from Crutchfield if you don't wish to, but this will give you ammunition to do some shopping elsewhere.

Good Luck,