Audio Systems: 2003 VW Monsoon Stereo Connection, monsoon stereo, panasonic cq

My girlfriend has a 2003 VW GLS with the Monsoon Stereo, a year ago it crapped out and she had replaced with a Panasonic CQ-C1404u deck.  They were completely unprofessional having to use a hammer to smash out the Monsoon deck since they failed to acquire the correct keys to easily slide it out.  Needless to say they installed the new unit without a harness kit and subsquently made a mess of the wires.  The new deck never turns off unless you remove the face and the right rear speaker does not work.  I removed the new deck and am overwhelmed with wiring.  The original VW harness is absent and there and I don't know how to include the factory Monsoon amp with the new deck. The speakers wires appear to be right but there are an additional 4 red wires possibly for the Monsoon amp.  Any help with wiring schemes(color codes) or general help is greatly appreciated.  

most likely this link is goint to have all the answers you need but if you need more help please let me know i hope you have the interface for the antenna it is power  and you also have 8 speakers in that car tweters cound
good luck

and send the name of the store that did the installation to warn other people in the future