Audio Systems: 2000 Ford Explorer Stereo Display Problem, article subject, rear speaker

I've had two stereos in my 2000 Explorer burn out displays in the past two years. In your article;

Subject: 1999 Ford Explorer blown rear speaker
Date: 5/20/2006

You describe the cause of the problem being "resistors" getting very hot and the "top left board" needs to be remove from the radio and clean and solder all the points around the resistor again or buy a new board from ...

Could you please provide more details on where the "top left board" is located and what "resistors".

I'd prefer not to keep buying a replacement stereo every year or so, especially with the age of the vehicle and the history of the problem.

I would really appreciate your help.  

when you open the radio  top cover)
you will see the cd player  right next to it on the left side is the power supply board one screw in the back of the radio is holding the board
if you look at the board the resistors legs are burn but they are not defective  they just make to much heat  i get a lot of questions about this i will write instructions how to fix this in a coupple of weeks