Audio Systems: stereo/speakers?, blown speakers, stereo speakers

while listening to a dvd  last night the sound quality droped significantly almost if it were a tape someone pressed the dolby button the sound got muffled and muddy and not as loud .ive blown speakers before and my reciever shut down and started flashing but not this time and the speaker dont apear to be blown no crackling just a flat sound is it the speakers or the reciever?its not the dvd i tried a cd same sounding flat?

Dear Jarod,

The only way to check this is to switch out the speakers in your system with others. Can you borrow a pair temporarily from a friend? If the sound "drop" recurs, the problem could be with your receiver or your DVD player. If the sound "drop" doesn't recur, then the problem's with your speakers.

If the speakers check out, next substitute another DVD or CD player. If the same thing happens, then the problem's with your receiver. If not, the problem's with your DVD player.

Once you've isolated the component which is the source of the problem, have it bench tested by a qualified repair technician. Hard to say from this distance what the exact problem could be.

Kindest regards,
