Audio Systems: Cant find blown fuse, 2003 nissan altima, nissan altima

I was installing a head unit into my 2003 nissan altima non Bose
model.  While I was putting the unit in, one of the wire came out of
the crimp and touched the metal.  The unit shut off.  I immediatley
checked the unit's fuses and they were fine.  I then hooked up the
factory unit and it didn't turn on either.  I checked all the fuses and
can't seem to find any that are blown.  Can you tell me what else I
can do to remedy this problem?


Best remedy is to avoid this.
1) Do not work on live circuits (pull the negative battery connection, 1st).
2) Use better crimping technique.

Things to try:
Run a new (fused) 12v constant power wire.
Run a new (fused) 12v switched power wire.

Car may have a fusible link that blew.. it would be easier to just run new fuse protected wires than to find it in most cases.