Audio Systems: car CD player, car cd player, customer service line

My 2001 Pathfinder 6-CD player reads "Err', and doesn't play, when I insert a disc into any slot. I tried pulling the fuse, no help. I can't play my Dead bootlegs in the house. What do I do?


 some units especially OEM ones wont play all burnt cd's so check to make sure thats not the problem .. also check in your owners manual for a description of the error codes this will be located in the section for your changer and radio head unit.. you can also call the nissan customer service line and ask them about the problem..... a little trick that sometimes causes alot of OEM units to come off their "blink" is to reset them .. to do this just unhook your battery for about 15 minutes, reconnect... test your changer .... hope this helps you out if you need anything else just let me know =0)
