Audio Systems: CD Stuck in 2001 Ford Escape, ford owners, four holes

I have a 6 cd car player in my 2001 Ford Escape.  A CD got stuck in there.  Now it won't play, it won't even acknowledge that there is a CD in there, it won't eject or load.  It just keeps saying either, no CD or CD error.  If it is possible to open up the unit. How do I do that? There are only four holes on the front of the unit.  Any help?


  first off lets try to trick the unit into spitting out the cd .. so unplug your battery for about 10-15 mintues to let everything reset... then reconnect terminal and hit eject this sometimes causes the changer to reset .. if this doesnt work , consult your ford owners manual and read the chapter on the changer really carfully... see what they suggest... if all else fails you will need to take it to an audio repair shop where the techs will have a special tool for removing the stuck cd ... sorry i cant do more but hopefully this will get you in the right direction
