QuestionI was wondering if you know of anyone that repairs
Logitech Z5500 5.1 speakers or even if it would be cost effective to do so. I have a set that took a votage surge and are now not working. Any advice that you could offer would be appreciated.
Thanks Robert,
AnswerDear Robert,
First, make sure that it's the speakers that took the electrical surge. Sometimes surges disable the receiver, so of course you have no speaker response.
If the speakers have been blown by an electrical surge, it means that the voice coil inside the magnet (the heart of the speaker) has been what we call "fried"--as in probably melted. Also, the crossover may have been damaged. None of this on a set of speakers that costs $300 tops is worth repairing IMHO.
Suggest you invest in a high quality surge protector.
Good luck. And thanks for choosing!
Kindest regards,