QuestionI want to spend only around 500 total for and amp subs and speakers in a 4dr 2000 honda accord. I am already getting a deck so i dont have to worry about it. I was wondering is it worth putting in all new speakers in the accord or just leave the ones there but i definetly want subs in the trunk. also can u explain the crossover thing and what it does and if it is worth getting. also i would be custom installing this with some friends and how much work would it be because we have very little experience and could we do it ourself or would we need professional help...
thanks much,
AnswerI only answer 2 questions per 24 hrs.. usualy not from the same person and usualy not multipart questions.
The factory speakers will not keep up with the rest of the system for very long (if at all). Doing that (on top of the amp and subs) may well exceed 500.00. If all you want is 'boom', satellite speakers are a non issue.
If you are not experienced, there is no way to fully explain the crossover.
Crossovers are devices for splitting the frequencies up and sending those frequiencies to the speakers most suited to reproduce them.
Many amps have crossovers (abbreviated as 'X-overs') built in these days and are generally the best way to go for novice installers.
When you say custom and 'very little experience' in the same sentence, I get worried.
Many well intentioned novice installers have literally burned their vehicles to the ground due to electrical fires
(and not just used cars either)! I even know of one that worked in an install shop that did this to the shop owners new car. It happened a few weeks after install as he was parking his car with wife and baby inside. The car was a total loss. Four gauge power wire has a way of doing that if not installed properly.
You have some prefessional help right now :) but I cannot do any wrenching on it, of course.
My best advice from what I have read is to get a professional to do this for you. It will be installed and setup properly the 1st time.
If you cannot afford that... for goodness sake be sure you guys fuse EVERY power lead properly. Be sure your grounds are secure and as short as possible.
Best of luck in whatever you decide to do.