Audio Systems: Reading a cars engine, audio consultation, radio stereo

Hi, do you know how to read the status of the engine, rpm etc and get it to read over to a computer program into a graphical format?



Jon Puckey Asks in Category Car 'Radio/Stereo System Repair'

Very off-topic!
'Do I know how'.. Yes I do.
But, as per my allexperts' BIO.. I only offer audio consultation and advice here (and I am pretty swamped [maxxed out on questions] doing that already).

What you need to do is post this to someone that specializes in your vehicle make.  The only place to do that (that I know of) is in the auto repair section. If they cannot help you, I do not know where else [online] to send you as to my knowledge, there is noone here that offeres this specific service.
I was going to suggest Mr. Clark in my category but he appears to be maxxed out. He likes a challenge and may stray from the category easier than I.

Jerry Mael