Audio Systems: Radio...still no sound, fuse panel, clarion cd

I have a 1992 Toyota Corolla with an older Clarion CD/radio.  The in-dash fuse at the back of my radio was blown, so I had no sound, no lights, nothing.  Now that I have changed out that 10amp tube-type fuse, the lights come on, but there is still no sound at all.  I checked the kick pannel fuses, but none are blown.  Any ideas?  :)  

'In dash fuse at back of radio'.. so you have replaced the one in the back of the radio and checked the ones at the cars fuse panel.

Try having the radio tested (out of the car), it could be a dead radio.. it is 13 years old.

For more help you might repost this to this guy.

Try reposting this to:

Good luck and thanks for the question.

Jerry Mael