Audio Systems: Error Message on Car Stereo, chevy prism, car audio shop
Question2002 Chevy Prism
my car stereo has a CD player in it from the manufacuter. now it will not allow me to play any CD's, it just says Err, which stands for Error. that message stays on all the time, i looked it up in the book and it say's to call my dealer to get it fixed, can i fix it myself or should i get a new stereo system all together? this is the first time it has done this, how do i fix it?
Sorry about accidentally rejecting the question, I clicked on the wrong button. As for your question, you only really have three options, as there are a number of different things that could have happened to the CD player to mess it up. One would be to visit Chevy and have them reset the CD player, as per the instructions (which is what I would recommend). The second would be to visit your local car audio shop, and have them take a look. They might be able to help you for free, or for a small fee that would be cheaper than visiting the dealership (if the warrenty on your car has expired). The third option would be to replace the CD player entirely. This is not really viable, since you could probably have the CD player fixed for a lot less than it would cost for a new CD player and installation. I hope this helps.
Best Of Luck,