was my first stopping point. I'm not looking for a specific wiring harness for that specific deck, I was trying to be as clear as possible when asking my question.
The wiring harnesses that have been suggested at every store, or site, that I've been to have all been the base GM harness, which isn't the correct fitting adapter. The adapter on the back of the impala deck is something that looks proprietary, and I can't seem to find any clear answers on how to connect anything to it without cutting that adapter end off and splicing all the wires to the existing Pioneer harness.
I'll contact a local installer today and see if I can't get the answer. Thanks for your help.
Followup To
Question -
I'm having a hard time finding a wiring harness for my Chevy Impala to connect to my Pioneer deck. I took the stock radio out, and there are 2 plugs available in the car, one larger white, rectangular plug, and a smaller square plug. The standard GM wiring harness doesn't have the correct connector. I have the harness that plugs into the Pioneer deck and leaves bare wires, but I can't seem to find the female end (the end the current stock stereo has) with bare wire leads to connect to the Pioneer harness.
If you have any idea what I need to do to connect this thing, I'd appreciate any help I can get.
Thanks a million.
Answer -
I would stop trying to find a "Chevy Impala Wiring Harness for a Pioneer DEH-P6300" and just look for a Chevy Impala Radio Harness Adaptor for your specific cars YEAR (since we know the make and model).
Even with a harness adaptor you will have to connect the wires from the stereo TO the adaptor, so just work on getting one for the car you have (since it has the connectors still uncut and attachted to the car).
You will see a "what fits my car' link on the left side.
They should have an adaptor for your Impala...
You might even find one at Walmart, Circuit City..ect.
If all else fails, go to a local mobile audio shop.
Jerry Mael
hehe ok.. well, in all of this 'clarity', I still have no idea what year the car is.
This could have been a 1964 Impala (for all I knew at the time)!
The main thing is the year of the vehicle, as specified in the 1st response.
By the way, most all of these adaptors are indeed proprietary, hence the need FOR adaptors in the 1st place [unless you want to cut wires].
I am sure the local install professional can look at it and have you hooked up in very little time.
Best of luck,
Jerry Mael