Audio Systems: no sound in 3 of 4 speakers, toyota 4runner, toyota repair
QuestionThanks for that information. Is the amplifier contained in the OEM deck? Or is that (the amplifier) apart from the OEM deck that I have? If the amp is separate from the deck where would I find it? Thanks again.
Followup To
Question -
1. 1988 Toyota 4Runner
2. I have a stock deck, since I've had the vehicle I've had sound in only the rear passenger side speaker. Occassionaly the sound will come on the the front driver's side speaker, then usually cuts out again. I took the stereo out this weekend and plugged everything out and back in and nothing changed.
Bad deck?
Answer -
There are three possibilities for your problem. The first would be that the head unit has gone bad. The second is that the amplifier that powers the speakers has gone bad, also a distinct possibility (and the most likely in my opinion). The third possibility is that there is a problem with the wiring. The wires connecting to the three speakers in question could have come loose or gotten cut (somehow). This is less likely, given the fact that it happened to three speakers and not just one or two. I would recommend checking all the wiring between the head unit/amp/speakers if you can. Or you can visit your local car audio shop or Toyota repair center and have them take a look. I hope this gets you going on the right path.
Best Of Luck,
Sorry for the delay in replaying to your question. Sometimes the amplifier is contained within the head unit, but not too often. The head unit would get too hot. If there is a seperate amp it's usually underneath one of the rear seats. It's the easiest and most accessible spot (assuming there is an external amp).
Best Of Luck,