Audio Systems: audiovox cd changer install, lincoln town car, radio out

I have an av425 audiovox radio and bought a sp11 cd changer to go with it. Audiovox said it was a "plug and play" unit, an eight pin connector ran from cd changer to radio. Of course when I took the radio out that was not the case. There is a connection on cd changer for cable but not on radio. It is a 1993 lincoln town car and I can not find any way of wiring it to radio as the only wiring running from cd changer is the cable. Any suggestions or idea where I can find a schmeatic of fome sort to amke this work? Audiovox has been completely useless, shocking I know.

If the only connections that are on the rear of the AV425 are for power and speakers then the stereo isn't compatable with the changer unit. I will research the problem some more to see if any adapters are available so that you can use the changer with the stereo.

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