Audio Systems: another wiring question, panasonic cq, cigarette lighter

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Question -
I have a 1991 Ford F150 and I just bought a new receiver and a set of speakers, I have been looking over previous questions all day and spent about two hours at the requested website( for wiring diagrams, I cannot seem to find out which wires do what. Yes I cut off the factory plug and stripped the wires, and i wish i didnt. but the wires that were in my previous reciever had two plugs, the first containing orange/black, yellow/black, green/yellow, purple/blue, red, and orange/green wires. the second plug had black/blue, and two green/white wires. I have made guesses on which is which from the info on the site, but I wasted a fuse and alot of time, I am goin crazy here, help would be greatly appreciated. thanks for your time
Answer -
Give me the complete model number of the original stereo so I can look up the wiring info. Also what make and model of new stereo are you trying to install.

[email protected]

this will probably frustrate you but I have no idea what the model # for the factory stereo for my XLT Lariat is, i have the operating guide for the Ford Electronic Sound System, but there is no model # on either the reciever itself or the guide. The only # i could find on the old reciever is where the factory plug went in and that # is E6DF-14A459-CA. As for the new reciever, its a Panasonic CQ-C5401U. Right after i asked my question i went out and took another crack at it and got the radio working, only for the life of me i couldnt find the memory wire, none of them was getting a constant feed! so i was thinking about splicing into my cigarette lighter but im not sure. The reciever shuts off as i turn on the brights as well, but i read over someone elses question and i should be able to fix that. Thank you for your help and im really sorry for all this frustration im probably bringing you.

You may want to use a 12 volt test lamp to locate what wire has 12 volts constant on it for station memory (connect to yellow wire)and a wire that will go to 12 volts when the key is on (connect to red wire). If you cannot locate any wire in the vehicle wire harness that is hot all the time, the fuse for the constant feed may be blown.

[email protected]