QuestionI have a surround sound speaker system connected to my computer.
The same speaker system is also connected to my DVD player by a coaxial cable to a connection on the back of DVD player labled: DIGITAL AUDIO OUT (PCM/BITSTREAM).
Why is it that I cannot find an AM/FM stereo tuner/reciever with a same type DIGITAL AUDIO OUT connection that I have on my DVD player so I don't have to have another set of speaker for my radio.
Actually I don't need the amplifier part of it just a tuner would be sufficient since the amplification is done in the speaker system.
AnswerDear Jon,
I've never heard of an FM tuner with digital audio out, and a search of the web would seem to support the notion that there isn't one--at least a stand-alone unit. (It would stand to reason, simply because radio is an analog medium for which a digital audio output would be wasted technology.)
However, virtually every Audio/Visual (A/V) receiver on the market has both an FM tuner and digital audio out. Take your pick. Now, if you're looking at garden variety, two-channel stereo receivers, I don't know of one that has digital audio outputs, tho' some *should* have digital audio inputs simply because CD players provide digital audio outputs. I suggest you look at A/V receivers.
Good luck. And thanks for choosing!
Kindest regards,