Audio Systems: Radio Display, radio work, initial problem

I have a 99 Firebird with a Delco CD and equalizer radio.  In the morning - after sitting for approx. 8 hrs at night - when I start the car the display is scrambled.  After approx 2 min utes or so - the display looks perfect again.  It will stay that way all day even though I start and stop the car periodically through the day.  Even if I only stop/start the car one time during the day - it works perfectly after the initial problem goes away.  All of the functions in the radio work just fine during that time - only the display is funky.  I have a good working knowledge of mechanics and repair most things myself.  Could I buy the parts and solder if needed or do I need to send it in?

Thanks for your help  

The display isn't scrambled, rather some of the display elements are not lit. This is a common problem for many stereos. The problem is due to defective solder connections on the pins for the vacuum display tube. A close up inspection of the connections for the display may show that several are in need of a touch up with a soldering iron.

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