Audio Systems: AMP, output transistors, power wires

My friend Recently bough a cheap pioneer amp at walmart it was like 760 watts or something. Anyway we hooked it up to a 15 inch orion that he had setting around and it worked fine but it kept on getting to hot and shutting off wellbeing as stupid as we are we just kept leting cool down and turning it back on well eventually it blew the fuses. Now everytime we put a fuse in it and turn on the remote it blows the fuse. I have taken a few classes in electronics and I was wonderin If you could give me some advice for where to start finding out what is worng. I have already looked for solder bridegsand smoke and burnt it to stuff etc. nothing, so what would I check next. OH the model is gm862 any help would be appreciated

Most likely one or more of the output transistors has failed, possibly shorting out. The amp was getting hot possibly from being over loaded, or the power wires for the amp weren't heavy enough to fully power up the amp.

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