QuestionHey First timer here, I made the mistake of crossing the power and the ground wire while removing my stereo to install a new amp. I know the problem does not lie in the fuse under the hood. It appears that I have burned a trace and also possibly some components, I have opened the thing up and discovered chared parts of the board. Now in my infinite wisdom I have probally screwed the thing up more than it already was, Considering the situation, I have decided to send the thing in to get it repaired, but I am by no means a rich man, and I cannot find any local repair shops to do this. My question is, when do I let bygones be bygones, and go ahead and put her to rest? no professional has seen the damage, but is it worth spending 50+ dollars to send it in just for them to tell me I am an idiot. The damage to me anyway is pretty minimal.
But I am no bench tech, I figured this was there talent and they might find it easier than I to repair. There are a "couple" of spots where the trace has completely burned away and Im sure there are a few resistors and stuff that need to be replaced, will it matter cost wise if there are than just one , or is it pretty typical to see multiple problems in instances like This?
clarion dxz745mp
Answerpitch it.....if it was a blaupunkt or alpine, i'd say let someone try to fix it, but after a mishap like that, most shops won't even attempt to fix damage like that. it's not just the damage you can control circuits, system control, source selector circuits, voltage regulation stages, amplifier devices, all are now suspect. best advice; toss it and get another unit. you might make sure no 'fusible links' (sections of specific size wire to act as fuse) are burned. make sure you still have 12 volts at plug for radio, will make new install easier.....hope this helps or tells you what you need to do,........g......