Questionok i have a mid-sized suv a 1992 nissan pathfinder.i was wondering what is the best system that i could getfor under a grand?sub,amps,cd player etc...anywho thank you for your time.
There are many 'systems' under a grand that will fit in that vehicle. Which one is best is entirely up to you, the listener. 'Best' can mean as many different things as 'system' does.
In addition to simple 'one amp' (2-6 channel) systems, there are component Bi-amp, Tri-amp, Quad-amp 'systems', and more. Some people want electronic crossovers , some could not care less (much less want to understand how to use them).
Presuming you want at least 2 stereo amps:
Decide if you want it all (amps crossovers) in one package (or not) based on what is available in your price range.
Yes, I can research, purchase and build a system for well under 1000 that would blow most peoples' minds, but the same deals I get may not be available to you.
There are decent cd players that play CD-RW and MP3 cd's with remotes and 4x 45 watts, removable faceplate (and RCA preouts) for under $80.00. I use one in my gals van. We love it. No, it does not comb my hair for me or have a stupendous display panel, but it plays, does not skip and has very good clarity at high volumes. I know this very same model is available at Walmart. Durabrand. Though you may pay more like $87.00 there. Sonically, one cant tell the difference from my $600.00 Clarion (even sitting with it parked). The bottom line is that there is a lot of what I call "Derivitive Technologied" brand names these days. Everything electronic from PC's to car stereo is getting easier to afford. Where you really might want to save the $$ for a splurge is on speakers (especially the mids and highs). Bout any sub will do if properly loaded into the right enclosure (buy an amp that will have about 1/4 - 1/2 its' RMS power rating).
No matter what your friends have, get what you like best. What is important to me in mobile audio may very well be totally different than what you would want.
Sadly, this is not Circuit City and therefore I need a lot more than 'best system under grand' to help you effectively.
As to lining up what might suit you best, I would recommend Crutchfields site. Though they do not carry entire product lines, they have a decent selection and fair prices with specifications to compare.
Jerry Mael