Audio Systems: 03 Corolla speaker change out, infinity speakers, boston acoustics

My daughter and I would like to make a project out of replacing my speakers in my 2003 Corolla S. 4 door 4 speakers. Can I find help or graphics on how to disassemble the door and rear deck? I want to do this with her and not have Circuit City or Best Buy do it if i can help it.

Aslo,Where to buy the best value speakers on line. I heard Boston Acoustics and Infinity that I liked.

Can you help?


You may want to purchase a repair book for your model vehicle. You can purchase this book at most larger auto parts outlets for about $20, this book will show and tell you how to remove the door panels and the stereo if you need to. As for speakers you may be able to purchase them at BestBuy or CircuitCity and save on the shipping cost. If you do want to purchase them on line simply enter Infinity speakers in your browser and do a search.

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