Audio Systems: Radio Display not working, jeep grand cherokee, infinity gold

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Question -
I have a 94 Jeep Grand Cherokee with a Chrysler Infinity Gold CD/radio system.  All of the buttons light up, but the display does not.  This affects the clock and the radio station display.  Everything else works okay on this unit.  Is this an easy fix--something I can do myself?  It's difficult to navigate through the radio stations without seeing the station number light up.  Thanks.
Answer -
Most lkely the display power supply has failed. On many of these stereos I find defective solder connections on the pins of the display tube.
Hello Tom,
Thanks for your response.  I have two of these units (the display works on the other one), so I disconnected the front displays on each unit and interchanged them.  The display that didn't work on the unit I inquired about does work when I connect it to the other unit (and the display that worked on the other unit does not work on the one I inquired about).  So, it appears as if the problem is in the unit itself and not in the display tube.  I assume the display power supply is located in the unit (and not in the face plate/display tube)and if so, can you tell me exactly where it is located and if a replacement power supply can be purchased and installed?  Thanks again for your help.
--Virgil Parsons

[email protected]

Please give me the complete model number of the stereo with the display power supply problem so I can look over the service info. In most cases with Chrysler stereos the power supply is intergrated into/on the main circuit board.

[email protected]