Audio Systems: Car Keeps Dying, chevy lumina, duty alternator
QuestionHI my name is Adam Burgess and recently i purchased a stereo system for my 1992 Chevy Lumina. I bought a 760 watt pioneer amp and two 12 inch subs. Immediately after getting them installed at Best Buy my car started dying when i was driving. Never happened before i got the system. We tested the battery and the alternator to find nothing wron with them and took the car back to best buy to see if there was a problem wiring but there wasnt. Do you have any help on how i can fix this problem? I would appreciate it. Thank you.
Have you tried disconnecting the amp from the battery and drive the car to see if the problem still exist? Give me some more details about the car dying. The problem may be due to the amp over loading the alternator and battery due to the power rating of the amp. It's possible that you need a heavy duty alternator and a larger battery to handle the amp.
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