I got a Pioneer CD player for my '95 Ford Escort and am currently trying to install it. It had just a regular (not premium) AM/FM cassette. I have actually hooked it up and it works fine. My problem lies in the fact that I can't get it to fit into the dashboard because all of the extra wires from the new wiring harness. Am I going to need to cut and splice some wires to make the extra room that I need, or is there a trick? (I thought this was going to be much easier than this)!
Generally, there is no 'need' to.
I am not fluent in the 95 Escort, so this is a general professional overview of 'how-to', regardless of the vehicle type.
Usually there is a hole or opening in the dash subframe where one can carefully stow/stuff the extra wire as they install the unit, but if they are VERY long, you might cut the wires from the head unit down a bit then reattach them, so there is less to deal with, as to stowing.
Be sure you are coiling then folding the excess wire and put a tie wrap on it to help keep the bundle in your control.
I hope this 'gets you there' ;)
Jerry Mael