Audio Systems: Repairing Data Cable on Treadmill, conductive paste, data cable
I'm not sure if this is in your area of expertise, but I'll give it a shot.
I have a data cable that runs from the control panel on my treadmill to the motherboard underneath the panel. The cable must pass through a slot and turn 180 degrees back to the motherboard. The problem is at this slot. The cable is made up of three data lines embedded in a plastic cable. These lines are not made of wire but of some white paintlike material.These lines have had their circuits broken at the 180 degree turn. Obviously, I can't solder them so
do you know of another way to reconnect these non-metallic circuits?
Answeri know you don't want to hear this, but your only sure way of making a safe repair is to go ahead and contact the manufacturer(ouch) and order a replacement harness. as to reconnecting the wires, they're nothing more than a conductive, paste-like material wrapped in string, and as far as i know, there's no way to fix a broken strand. sorry that's not the answer you wanted, g..........