Audio Systems: Kenwood Auto CD Stereo - No sound, power fuses, car stereos

Hi -

My husband was playing a CD and decided to turn up the volume - probably really loud.  After that the entire car CD/Stereo would not work - no sound.  I finally bought a new one and had it installed, so I know it was not the speakers or wiring.  Is there something internally in the system that was blown out? The 10amp fuse is OK.  I looked inside the unit and did not see any "burn" areas, where it might have shorted.  Any ideas?  I wouild like to repair this system if possible.  Thanks!!

Most car stereos will have two fuses, one in the circuit that is hot (12 volts) at all times and a second fuse that goes to 12 volts with the key on. If both power fuses are OK the problem may be in the stereo itself. If the Kenwood stereo has power but NO sound the audio output section may have failed.

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