Audio Systems: Need a consistent supply of B+ (12 VDC), value capacitor, volt supply

I have installed a Boss stereo in a 1953 Studebaker, which works fine except the 12 VDC drops to 10.5 VDC when the starter is activated. This causes me to loose everything in memory.I have replaced all battery/starter cables with premium cables, and the starter has been rebuilt. The battery is relatively new, and has no problems cranking the motor. It is supposedly a high amperage cold cranking battery, and was purchased from NAPA.

I was wondering if there is an after-market device that would help me provide a consistent 12 VDC during this time? Maybe a rechargeable battery that would maintain 12 V for a period of time, or a capacitor based circuit - anything. I am going to rig up a dry cell source of power for this voltage, unless that would cause some damage within the radio.

Thanks for any help you can provide.

Don Owens
Easley, SC

The problem may be due the 12 volt supply line to the stereo being too small of a dia to handle the memory circuit for the stereo. You may want to install a large value capacitor close to the stereo on the memory lead and put a diode in series with the memory lead with the cathode towards the battery. The diode will isolate the battery from the stereo when the voltage drops below 12 volts during starting. make sure that the diode is installed on the battery side of the capacitor, ie, battery-diode-stereo with cap on memory lead.

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