Audio Systems: Toyota in dash 6 disc changer, rubbing alcohol, laser pickup
QuestionCould you please give me a suggestion of where I should bring the CD changer in for service? Thank you.
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Thank you very much for your reply. I cleaned the lens and put it back but it showed "error 2" Does this mean the lens defective? Should I send it to a shop to fix it or is it better to buy a new CD changer? Please let me know. Thanks again.
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Hi Tom,
I have an in dash Toyota 6 disc changer 74834 (2000 Corolla). It displayed "playing" for a few seconds then it ejected CDs. Could you please show me how to open it up to clean the lens? If not the dirty lens, what will be the problem? Please let me know. Thank you very much.
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Once you have the stereo out of the dash you will have to remove the top cover to see the lens of the laser pickup. Use a Qtip just moistened with rubbing alcohol (only) and gently rub the lens to clean it. If a cleaning doesn't help the laser pickup may be weak or defective.
[email protected]
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If you manually did a cleaning on the laser lens with a Qtip dampened with rubbing alcohol and this didn't help you may want to have the changer service/repaired. Having the unit repaired will cost alot less than a new unit.
[email protected]
You may want to call around your area for a car stereo shop that repairs CD changers. If you cannot locate anyone in your area please contact me by direct Email and I can give you details about having my shop service the changer.
[email protected]