Audio Systems: Infinity problem, mitsubishi spyder, chevy truck
Question I have a 97 Mitsubishi spyder infinity stereo that worked when it came out of the car. After entering the lockout code, everything seems to work, but makes absolutly no noise. I got it out of a wrecked car, and am putting it in a Chevy truck. It did work after wreck. I have the factory plug,color code. Is there something else I need out of the car? Thanks, jeff
Most infinity stereos use an external amp to power the speakers. You really don't need the amp if you use an adapter to connect the infinity stereo to an aftermarket amp such as a Pioneer, kenwood or any other. Just incase you do remove the amp from the wrecked vehicle, make sure to cut out enough of the wires to the amp so you can connect it up the stereo along with the speakers.
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