Audio Systems: CD Is Not rejecting, removable face plate, release pins
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Question -
I have A jvc single CD player in my '95 Taurus. Recently I forgot to take out a CD and put another one in instead so I have 2Cds stuck and of course they will not reject. What are my best options? This is a after market player. How do I get the stereo out?
Thank You in advance for your help
Rick Kojis (Where Can I get Metal Release pins?) I do not have the box the stero came in.
Answer -
With an after market stereo you will need to use the metal release pins/tools that came with the stereo to release the locks on both sides of the stereo and pull it out of the sleeve. Once you have the stereo out of the dash you will have to take off the top cover and carefully turn the load gears in reverse to back the stuck CDs out of the CD player assembly.
[email protected]
If this stereo has a removable face plate, pull it off and look on both sides of the area that the face plate was recessed into. You may see a slot on each side. You can use two flat pieces of metal about 3/8" wide and about 3" long. Insert the two pieces into the slots to release the side locks.
[email protected]