Audio Systems: 4 ohm main speakers with 8 ohm rears, sony strde597, sony 597
Questioncan this be done with a new purchase of a sony strde597 receiver or most 5.1 or 6.1 100 watt per channel receivers.also,my center speaker is 8 0hm.will the sound be even? thanks
AnswerDear Perry,
Most modern receivers are built to handle a variety of speaker impedances per the individual channels. A greater impedance (which is represented by a smaller number--don't ask me to explain) simply makes the amplifier's power supply work a tiny bit harder to achieve a balanced sound. So long as you don't simply throw random loads (5 ohms in one channel, six in another, four in another, and so on), the Sony 597 should be able to handle it. The better receivers will behave similarly: Onkyo, NAD, Integra, Denon--all good choices. Check to see if the receiver's speaker set-up utility allows you to specify the impedance. The higher priced Onkyos do. Don't know about the others. Still, it's a good question to ask the sales guy.
One caution. Since 4-ohm speakers make a receiver's amplifier work harder, louder volumes will make it work even harder still. Be careful about blowing the side off the house.
Good luck. And thanks for choosing!
Kindest regards,