Audio Systems: engine noise, alpine v12, input cables

Hi Tom,
     I just installed 2 Alpine V12 mono and 2 Alpine 4 channel V12 ,phonix gold line driver,visionik crossover and a lighting audio cap. I used stinger patch and power cables. I  also kept the patch and power cables seperate. The problem I have is noise in the system. It is engine noise when my van is running none when it is off.But I  also have noise from the CD player.It makes a roaring sound before the song begins and also if you change tracks.

The noise in the stereo may be due to either ignition system noise or a defective filter in the alternator. You have to first determine if the noise is an impulse/popping from the ignition system or a whine from the alternator. The whine from the alternator can be easily fixed with a heavy duty filter installed at the alternator. Sometimes a simple ground loop isolator installed in line with the RCA input cables to the amp will help, plus installing a wire as heavy as possible for the ground(minus wire)at the amp and make it as short as possible to the car's chassis.

[email protected]