Audio Systems: Installing my stereo on my 1991 F-150, ford f 150, amp fuse
Questionok my story is that i have a 1991 Ford F-150 and im wanting to install 1 amp and 2 12" subs to put in the back seats. my question is i know to hook up the subs to the amp but what do i hook the amp to? iv'e heard that i have to hook it to the battery or a battery source but how would i do that? If you could help me from step one i would really appreciate it. Thanks :)
"hook it to the battery or a battery source but how would i do that'
Use 8 gauge wire (Depending on the wattage.. this should provide a good 30 amps of juice safely..add up the fuses on the amp and go from there.. I you need over 30 amps, most people will run 4 gauge).
Route the wire from the battery to the amp going through the firewall (go through it at a factory rubber grommet if possible, or drill a hole and install a grommet to prevent short circuits). Route the wire to the amp under any carperting ect, and cut a small slit to pass the wire through the carpet or vinyl to attach it to the amp.
Finally and most importantly,
Add a 30 or 40 amp FUSE to this wire within 18" of the battery!
Then, all that is left are the RCA cables and the remote turn on lead which will come from the deck.
Jerry Mael