Audio Systems: Car Radio, toyota camry, radio circuit

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Question -
Hi Tom:  I have a '86 Toyota Camry with a factory-installed radio.  My problem is the radio only works when it feels like it but I have noticed it will work more often when the weather is cold.  I think it is a wiring thing but was wondering if you had any other thoughts on this.  Thank you.
Answer -
The problem may be due to a wiring fault, however if the radio still has the display lit up when the problem starts, the wiring may be OK. Give me some more details about what the stereo is doing or not doing when it acts up.


Thank you for getting back to me so quickly!  My radio seems a bit eccentric.  The display is on all the time but the radio only seems to work when it wants to.  It will just start whenever and then will stop just as abruptly.  As I stated earlier, it does seem to work more often and for longer when the weather is cold out.  It seems strange but that is exactly how it works.

Thanks again!

[email protected]

Most of the time I find defective solder connections that will work OK when the radio circuit board is cold, however when the board warms up, the solder connections causing the problem will expand and open up and cause no output. The only cure to the problem is to have a repair shop go over the circuit boards and resolder all defective solder connections.

[email protected]