Audio Systems: 1996 Nissan Maxima Car Radio, nissan maxima, volt source
QuestionTom, I will try and find it lol but as for my stereo it has no life at all everything else works but it has no power, light , sound nothing what does that mean?-------------------------
Followup To
Question -
I have a 1996 Nissan Maxima SE. My car radio is completely out. It does not play at all. I replaced the fuses that are located in the fuse box under the driver side dash board, however that did not fix the problem. I was trying to see if I could take out the radio system but I cannot get it out. Do you have any idea what the problem may be? I am dying without my radio. Thank you for your time.
Answer -
If you take a close up look at the dash you may see several screws that hold the trim in place. If you are not sure about how to remove the trim, contact your local Nissan dealer and ask the service dept how to remove the trim. As for the stereo, does it light up at all?, if so with no sound!
[email protected]
You may want to have someone with a 12 volt test lamp and test the two 12 volt sources for the stereo. one hot (12volt) at all times and the second 12 volt source switched with the key on! If both 12 volt sources are measured the stereo is at fault and will need to be serviced.
[email protected]