Audio Systems: philipscar radio type 22dc594/60e, tda 3602, radio chassis

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radio  will cut out and come back on every few seconds the tape cuts out as well the power is still to the set when this happens so i think the fault is in the set.It is fitted in a rover 216 and conected to a display pannel on top of the dash
thank you for any help.

John Mount
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You should use a 12 volt test lamp to test the 12 volt inputs to the stereo. On many of these stereos I find defective solder connections where

the speaker/power plug connects to the circuit board.

[email protected]
Hello Tom
thank you for your reply ,I have got the radio working it was a dry joint on the voltage regulator[ tda 3602 ]the problem now is the tape won't play ,the tape is running o/k but no sound output, if i connect a 640ohm resistor from neg.chassis to the 3 pin plug that conects the tape assembly to the circuit board the tape plays o/k .I could do with a wiring diagram to trace it through .
thank you for your help
John Mount
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I checked all my Phillips manuals and I do not have a manual for your model stereo. Please give me all the numbers off the case/sticker on your Phillips stereo and I will see if it crosses to similar model from another make.

[email protected]

Hello Tom ,
many thanks for your time and help, the details for the radio are below,
the tape deck pick up head has three wires that plug into the main circuit board ,one black / one pink / one white if i connect a resistor 470 ohm's
from the black wire to radio chassis the tape plays normaly with the same volume as the radio.[ I found this by acident,]I was checking for     continuity on the black wire and forgot the set was switched on and as soon as i put the test leads from the black wire to radio chassis the tape started playing . I have checked the capsitors the tracks and circuit board in that area and not found anything wrong ,the pick up head checks out o/k for resistance ,no open circuits.

phillips radio
model 22dc594/60e
rg.part no xqd/100950     [rover group pt no I would think ]
digital combi 3 band
thank's again
John Mount

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If you connect the resistor to the ground connection and then the tape plays(sound) it tells me that a defective ground connection is the cause. Use your ohm meter and with the radio off, measure the resistance from the ground connection to the metal chassis. You should measure near 0 ohms. You may want to solder a jumper from the black wire from the tape head to the metal chassis, or take a close up look at the area where the plug connects to the circuit board and look for a broken connection/solder connection. On some model tape players they will use a multi contact switch that will switch the stereo from tape mode to radio mode. This switch will switch the audio from the tape and radio to the amplifier circuits. You may want to check/clean this switch if your stereo has one.

[email protected]
Hello Tom ,
sorry to bother you again but i thouht i would let you know how i finished up with the philips radio .I tried a jumper wire from the tape head black wire to radio chassis but it just clicked the speakers then no sound so i put a 500 ohm resistor in the circuit and it worked fine , i traced the circuit and there is a 10v 100mfd capasitor last in the circuit before it connect's to chassis.
I tried another philips set and that was the same [ no direct conection
to chassis] for the black wire but other scrap sets i tried did have ?

Thank you for your help
John Mount

I thought that may be the cause of the no tape sound problem. A few of the other makes that I looked over the schematics, the ground connection went through a 470 ohm resistor, some had a capacitor.

[email protected]