Audio Systems: radio, gm website, gm product
Questioni picked up a used gm radio thru a second hand store and would like to know the wiring diagram and if i'm going to have any problems with the theftlock system. according to a gm website the part number comes up as a 2001 buick part and gives me a price but nothing else. i would just pick up a repair manual that would have the diagram in it but don't know which to pick up. DELCO part no. 10321326 under the sku symbol are these numbers *89RBH D223310916* any help would be greatly appreciated. also if theftlock could be a problem any way to permantly disable it? radio is not going into a gm product
Check out the site shown for the wiring connections/colors for the stereo connector if it has a wiring pig tail on it. You can also look up the wire colors and uses for the make and year of the vehicle that you are attempting to install the Delco stereo into. As for disabling the anti-theft lock, sorry it has to function in order for the Eprom to load the operating instructions into the main processor inside the Delco stereo. You may be able to purchase the access code from a GM dealer, however you will need the VIN of the vehicle that the stereo came out of! also check out
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