Audio Systems: Poor am reception in 2001 Grand Marquis, mercury grand marquis, antenna coupler
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Question -
I have a 2001 Mercury Grand Marquis. The AM reception is poor even with some local stations. FM seems to be OK. It has a window antenna. I hve been told it might be a problem with a defroster/antenna coupler. Do you have any ideas?
Thanks, Leo
Answer -
Most vehicles with built in window antennas will have poor reception on AM stations. If you want to improve both AM and FM reception you may want to install a motorized antenna in the trunk of your vehicle that will come up with the radio turned on.
[email protected]
Tom, You state an option might be to install a motorized antenna in the trunk. Do you mean literally inside the trunk? Is there access to the coaxial anntena cable to the radio somewhere in the trunk? If so where? Do you sell such antennas?
Thanks Leo
You may want to visit a local stereo install shop and ask about having an antenna installed for your stereo. I only said have an antenna installed in the trunk area because it is a much easier job to do. With an antenna in the trunk you will need to run a coax cable from the trunk to your stereo. Any auto parts outlet should have motorised antennas for automobiles. Walmart also has these antennas.
[email protected]