Audio Systems: swapping radios 1998 to a 2000 town car, lincoln town car, signature series

I am purchasing a 2000 Lincoln Town Car Signature Series.  I am trading in a 1998 Lincoln Town Car Signature Series. The radio in the car I am purchasing has a broken casstte door and the power does not turn off.  I want to swap radios.  The seller is fine with  this.  Are they compatable to swap off?  Is it difficult to swap?  I am aware that I will need the special tool to remove the radio.  Also, is it easy to ontain the tool I need?


As long as the connectors are the same the stereos should work ok. Without model numbers I can't say that the stereos will swap out OK. Being that the years of the vehicles are so close I don't see any problems. To remove the stereos you can use drill bits that fit into the holes in the front of the stereos, use at least 5-6 inch long bits and put slight outward pressure on them when pulling on the stereo.

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