Audio Systems: Car cd deck, jvc cd player, rca output

Hi, I own a JVC cd player deck, its not in use now bc i bought another  bc I needed one w/ RCA output for my system... But i want to install it in my friends car. The problem is that the rear left channel doesn't work. Do you have any estimate to how much it would cost to get it fixed and to where I would go to get it fixed.


The problem with your JVC stereo may be as simple as a defective solder connection on the amp IC for the left rear channel. I also find defective solder connections on the the connector for power and speakers soldered to the main circuit board. If all that is needed is to have connections resoldered, you can pay anywhere form $35-$50 on up. If the amp IC needs replacing you may pay $75 or more! You should call several repair shops and ask if they repair car stereos.

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