Audio Systems: 2002 kia spectra tape deck removal, 2002 kia spectra, kia spectra


I have two questions: First, are all tape decks and CD players for cars the same size?  Would I be able to buy a CD player off the shelf and be able to replace the tape player in my 2002 Kia Spectra, or should I be careful in the size that I shop for?  I realize this is a silly question, but I honestly don't know and I'm not sure of who else to ask.

Secondly, where are the screws to remove the tape deck on a 2002 Kia spectra?  I can't seem to find them anywhere on the dash.

Thanks so much for your help!



 ok NO all head units are not the same size all vary from every degree a few inches but most can be adapted to fit into any vehicle, its rare that you will find one that along with a dash install kit cannot be used .. the only size you really need to be concerned with is DIN size most units are a single DIN .. now for your KIA if you are going to install an after market head unit you need 2 things 1. wire harness adapter kit *10-20 dollars @ radioshack* 2. Dash install kit *10-20 dollars @ radioshack* the harness kit will wire into your new units harness color for color then simply plug  back into your factory plug so you dont have any guess work , the dash install kit will give you full instructions on the removal/reinstall of both factory unit and an aftermarket unit plus provide a new mount for an aftermarket head unit... hope this helps you out if you need anything else let me know
