Audio Systems: No sound from speakers, mercedes radio, blown fuse
QuestionThe car is a 1998 C280. Sound system is a Bose with a Mercedes radio Model CM2396. Sound system was working until I pushed the WB button...all sound stopped. The Mercedes dealership removed the radio and tested it on another car and it worked. The amp was also checked by the dealer, as well as all the fuses. Everything is good but still no sound. The dealer stated that there should be a continuous hot at the amp and when the radio is on there would be a second hot wire to the amp. We are not getting that second hot to the amp when the radio is turned on. After several hundred dollars of repair charges at Mercedes....still no sound. Any suggestions?
Some where between the stereo and the amp you may have a broken wire/connection or a blown fuse. When you said that after several hundred dollars of repair charges from a dealer, and you still don't have sound even though the dealer said that the amp and stereo were OK, it sounds like the dealer doesn't know what they are doing!. Ask the dealer for the wiring of the stereo from it to the amp so that you can trace out the defective connection, or the blown fuse. Look for the amp on wire and trace it back to the amp.
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