Audio Systems: VW Radio CD Cassette adapter jammed, radio cd cassette, cd cassette adapter
QuestionTom... I own a 2003 VW Golf with the factory A/M F/M cassette player installed. A Sony CD Cassette adapter (recently purchased) has stopped working and now the deck refuses to release the cassette adapter and registers there is no tape. The VW dealer disconnected the radio and reconnected it-I was told it flipped back and forth between fast forward and reverse..then registered no tape. It looks like the mechanic tried to pry out the adapter with a screw driver (which I don't think was a good idea) .The adapter is now loose but still does not release...any idea what is happening?
Most likely the adapter was jammed, possibly by the wire comming out of it or that one of the spindles inside of it was jammed. When the mechanic used a screw driver to pry on your tape deck, he turned a minor repair into a major repair! the likely hood that the tape deck can now be repaired is slim. Your best bet is to contact the dealer/mechanic and see what they can do about replacing the tape deck possibly at their cost!