Audio Systems: Amplifier sounding like crap, wet fart, kicker xs50
Questionhello, i have a Kicker XS50 amp, the original old school one. (Actually i have two of these) i know for sure that one is fried. But this second one everything looks fine when opened. But when power is on and volume is turned up on radio, it basically makes the subs sound like a wet fart. very crackly and sounds HORRIBLE. Red light comes on (that means it has power) but it just sounds like crap. Not sure what to do or where to look in this amp to repair it but i do have quiet a few parts left on the other amp i am able to use. Thanks for your time hope understand it.
trash it , i never recommend reparing but since you do have one handy for parts you might try to find a good small electronic shop to do some troubleshooting and possibly repair it .. the problem with this and the reason i said junk it is because often the repair bill will be more than a new amp would cost alot of times .. but if you know a guy you can usually get a decent deal and a good repair .. what it sounds like to me is a short inside the amp, or a problem with the crossover/freq adjuster or gain control .... hope this helps you out if you need anything else let me know