Audio Systems: Puck sound from 89 Sunbird Radio, rear speakers, likly

Hi. I have an '89 Sunbird that had a "screeching" sound when the radio was turned on. I replaced the unit and the screeching is gone, however I still hear a "Puck" sound when the Power is first turned on. Could my speakers be going as well?
If so should I buy two way or three way speakers?



 most likly it is the speakers but it could be the quality of the head unit you purchased like off brand or very cheap units sometimes dont have the "soft turn on" feature which is why you might be hearing the sound, the noise doenst hurt anything, the high end models just use the special feature so you feel comfortable that nothing is going wrong .. but for speakers i recommend 3 way for the rear speakers and 2 way for the front ... hope this helps you out if you need anything else let me know
